  • Established time

  • 1999
  • Number of employees

  • 1001-5000
  • Products

  • Automotive industry

The name Keeway is more than just a combination of two words, it's a representation of the freedom, adventure, and potential that young motorcycle riders seek. The Key in Keeway represents the possibility that every rider holds, the ability to unlock their full potential and discover new horizons. The Way is the road ahead, the journey that riders take as they explore and push themselves to new limits.

The Keeway Group's motorcycle brands (Keeway, MBP and Benelli) are currently marketed in 98 countries worldwide, and with the bicycle business included, the group boasts a presence in over 100 countries. Our immediate goal is to consolidate our position in the market share and then continue expanding into untapped markets. To achieve this, we plan to launch a comprehensive global advertising campaign aimed at improving the visibility of our brands starting in 2024. With this approach, we hope to achieve a better positioning in the market and gain wider recognition for our brands globally.