• Established time

  • 2017
About Our Project

Sometimes, it’s quite challenging to find the right part, a node, or bearing by size, name, or technical description. If you are having a tough time making a selection, don’t have enough input data, or just don’t want to waste time browsing numerous catalogs, welcome to our information reference online portal -

Our company offers a simple and convenient service that helps you collect, analyze, and organize data on the elements of machine mechanics, including bearings, nodes, belts, seals, linear movement systems and more.

In ABСmechanics, you can find a bearing and analyze a technical description by size or name in just a few minutes. You can also get additional data, such as markings, manufacturer info, etc.

Our system also offers replacements from the cross-sheet database. You no longer need to use numerous resources for searching, since entire information is gathered in our information system.

How Do We Process Data?

The system in the ABСmechanics collects and organizes information about thousands of manufacturers nationwide and groups them into a user-friendly online catalog. Our years of experience allows us to create precise and verified descriptions for every detail, which we thoroughly compare and analyze.

Details and transparency are our core principles, meaning that each element or node contains the maximum accurate and reliable information in the description, and it’s open to the public.

Why Is Our Database So Convenient ?

We have a huge information base concentrated in one system. It’s crucial to have a convenient cross-search for such a volume of data, and we have done it in the best possible way.

The parameters of each part are continuously updated and are never outdated. If for some reason, you weren’t able to find the part you needed, you can send us the name and we will add it to our catalog.

To help you understand the scale of our designation systems, let us give you some figures. We have:

- 10 sections of various names’ directory

- Over 500 thousand descriptions and blueprints of mechanical elements

- More than 5,000 active users,

for whom ABСmechanics became a reference book.

We are not tied to any particular brand. On the contrary, we are a multi-brand platform for convenient search and processing of information about parts and mechanical nodes.

Who Is It Made For ?

Convenience, ease of search, and thorough optimization make ABСmechanics useful for professional engineers, mechanics, technical experts, sales managers, as well as ordinary users.

We try to make our resource as open and user-friendly as possible for everyone searching for bearings, belts, housings of certain manufacturers or their analogues.