Designation system - FAFNIR

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Found: 234
Suffix/Prefix Manufacturer Description Example Refers to
VVFAFNIRLight drag double seal.202 VV
VTFAFNIROne Felt Seal.39K VT
VTDFAFNIRFelt Seal on one side of bearing, plate grease shield on other. 38K VTD
VLDFAFNIRMechani-Seal one side of bearing, plate grease shield on other.38K VLD
VLLFAFNIRMechani-Seal both sides.38K VLL
VLFAFNIROne Mechani-Seal.37K VL
TUMFAFNIRTriplex set of bearings, medium preload.
TUXFAFNIRTriplex set of bearings, ultra light preload.
VFAFNIRExtra small bearings used in vacuum cleaners. Example: 38KV.
Light drag single seal. Example: 202V.
TUHFAFNIRTriplex set of bearings, heavy preload.